Friday, August 19, 2005

Back in Singapore

Flew into Singapore late last night to be reunited with Jeff, once again. Hopefully this was the last time for a long time that we'll have been apart — I find that life is just flavorless when Jeff and I have been separated for too long. Not to say that I didn't enjoy my time back home in Chicago, but Jeff is such a vital part of our home.

And now we're rounding into our final two weeks in Singapore. With Jeff's website launching last weekend, his work is really coming to a close. On my plate, I've got to finish packing up our apartment and ship some boxes of books and miscellania home to Chicago. Most of our stuff came back with me two weeks ago, so this should be a pretty easy task.

Today I'll visit the Vietnamese embassy to apply for tourist visas. Our plan after Singapore is to take three weeks to backpack through Vietnam and Cambodia before coming home to the States. If someone had told me a year ago that I'd spend my honeymoon in these two countries, I wouldn't have believed them!